From every continent of the earth
Under the Rules, the parties decide an arbitrator(s) who presides in arbitration. Below are some of the world's most experienced and respected former judges who have agreed to be available to arbitrate IACT disputes.
United States & Canada
Judge Randall R. Rader
Judge Sue Robinson
Judge Gerald Rosen
Judge Theodore Essex
Judge Zhang Guangliang
Judge Xiuping Ou
Judge Zhipei Jiang
Judge Xiangyun Kong
Judge Lihong Duan
Dr. Yuan Hao
Judge Annabelle Bennett
Judge Seongsoo Park
Young-June Yang
DuckSoon Chang
Judge Kijoong Kang
Judge Ryuichi Shitara
Judge Toshiaki Iimura
Judge Ryoichi Mimura
Judge Misao Shimizu
Judge Sir Robin Jacob
Judge Rian Kalden
Judge Fidelma Macken
Prof. Ryan Abbott
South America
Liliane Roriz