Conciliation or Mediation
Before suing the other party, you can attempt to resolve a dispute through conciliation/mediation at IACT. You may avoid bad publicity and maintain a good relationship with the other party.
Also, the IACT's conciliation should be able to be used as an alternative to the proposed pre-litigation mandatory conciliation. https://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/BRIE/2023/754578/EPRS_BRI(2023)754578_EN.pdf.
Flexible, efficient, and confidential
The dispute is handled to the extent necessary, and there is no need to pay unnecessary services.
The outcome of the conciliation/mediation is not published. The record is not retained within IACT.
The parties can maintain confidentiality obligation.

Trusted and skillful
The parties can choose any conciliator or mediator.
If desired, IACT can propose a trusted conciliator from major jurisdictions around the globe. The conciliator must be considered to be neutral and impartial.
The filing fee is reasonable.

IACT is here to assist you
It is our belief that IACT is well situated to handle multinational SEP disputes. IACT's neutrals are experts who are highly regarded by intellectual property professionals and legal community in relevant jurisdictions.